There’s a lot of talk about supplements when it comes to diet and nutrition, and you’re probably taking your daily vitamins and minerals. Heck, you might even be taking fish oil and some extra calcium. But what about probiotics? These little gut cleaners may be an integral component in not only a healthy life but also a way to jumpstart your weight loss.
Study Shows Probiotics Have Positive Results
A study out of China with nearly 2,000 participants found that when the participating adults took probiotic supplements, they realized reduced BMI and body weight. Increased weight loss occurred when participants took more than one type of probiotic for more than eight weeks.
This is the first study to show that probiotics contribute to weight loss.
Unfortunately, the medical community isn’t quick to pick up on new studies, especially with something such as probiotics that has been so controversial. While most medical professionals agree that good bacteria are beneficial for the gut, they’ve as yet failed to come together on the true long-term benefits of probiotics.
More Than Just Weight Loss
Researchers involved in the study say that the weight lost by study participants was minimal; however, they are quick to add that any weight loss associated with taking probiotics could signal a host of health benefits, especially as they concern weight-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
In other studies, probiotics have been found to be effective in regulating immune system functions and preventing diarrhea. One study identified a correlation between probiotics and an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and a decrease in glycemia.
Prior to this study, though, no other research had shown consistent results that linked probiotics to weight loss or decrease in BMI.
What Are Probiotics?
Essentially, probiotics are bacteria that live in the body, primarily in the digestive system. While you might be inclined to think of bacteria as something you don’t want in your body, there are actually good and bad bacteria. In the case of probiotics, they’re the good kind.
Most probiotics come from two groups: lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. The first is found in yogurt and other fermented foods and can help with diarrhea and the digestion of lactose. The second is also found in some yogurt and may ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
While research on the exact benefits of probiotics remains inconclusive, what the medical community does know is that they help food move through the digestive system.
Since probiotics are found in cultured food, the FDA categorizes them as food rather than medication. That means there’s no clear ruling on how much you should take daily for good gut health. If you have questions about the specific amounts of probiotics you should be including in your daily diet, speak to your healthcare professional.
Pair Your Probiotics with CoolSculpting
Upping your daily yogurt intake or supplementing with probiotics will definitely help your food move through your body correctly and might even help you lose weight—but is it enough? If you’re looking for a more permanent solution to your extra pounds and inches, freezing that fat might be what you need to do.
At Bodify, all we do is CoolSculpting, so we know how to get you the results you’re seeking. And our staff is focused on you from beginning to end. So bring a cup of yogurt with you, and we’ll let you enjoy that while our applicator painlessly goes to work freezing excess fat cells so your clothes fit better and you feel like yourself again.
Curious about our results? Check out our before-and-after photos to see this process in action. We’re pretty sure you’ll be convinced.