Bodify is proud to be the number one CoolSculpting Elite provider in all of Arizona, and also to reign as fourth in the nation. We have performed more than 25,000 CoolSculpting treatments since we opened our doors in 2015, more than anyone else in the state, so we certainly know what it means to be the Best CoolSculpting Elite Provider. If you’re looking for the best provider in non-surgical fat reduction, whether you’re local to us in Phoenix or Scottsdale, or somewhere else, how can you know what to look for?
Why Choose CoolSculpting Elite?
First, why should you choose CoolSculpting Elite for fat reduction? Well, it’s safe, effective, has nine clearances from the FDA, and is non-invasive, just to name a few reasons. If you have stubborn fat and are looking for real results, CoolSculpting Elite is the only choice that makes sense! This amazing technology doesn’t simply shrink fat cells – it actually removes them from your body so they can’t come back. Fat cells don’t like cold temperatures, and will literally die if frozen (dramatic, we know – but it’s true!). So, when you come in for a CoolSculpting Elite treatment, a controlled applicator is placed on your trouble spots, and your fat cells are frozen, leaving other healthy tissue and cells untouched and unbothered. At first, you may feel some tugging and pulling, but the area will quickly become numb, and most of our clients actually find it to be a relaxing experience, akin to a visit to a spa. After your CoolSculpting Elite session, your body naturally flushes the crystallized fat cells from your body over the course of a few weeks to a few months, leaving the treated area more sculpted and contoured. There’s no anesthesia, no cutting into your skin, no needles, and no injections… which means, there’s little to no downtime. You can get back to your normal routine right away! What’s not to love?
How to Choose the Best CoolSculpting Elite Provider
Now that you’ve realized CoolSculpting Elite is the only choice for non-surgical fat reduction – how do you choose an amazing CoolSculpting Elite provider to get the results you’re looking for?!
We are so glad you asked!
There are several things to look for and to ask to ensure you are actually getting a real, effective CoolSculpting Elite treatment and that you are going to a provider who will not leave you with a bad outcome.
- How many different technologies does the provider offer? We all know the phrase “jack of all trades, master of none!” We are here to tell you if an office offers multiple services, most likely the staff is responsible for several technologies. How well can you truly understand technology if you are having to do multiple each week? Things inevitably fall through the cracks, and get forgotten and mixed up, which can end up as a botched CoolSculpting Elite results for you!
- Is the person doing YOUR treatment fully certified? Most offices claim that their staff is
certified, but aren’t actually! You should inquire if your technician simply attended CoolSculpting University or did they attend the Master Course, which is the highest level of certification for CoolSculpting. If an office hasn’t invested in their staff and their training, this is a big red flag! At Bodify, not only do our staff members all have this certification, Jessica, one of the owners of Bodify, actually helps teach the course! Bodify hosts CoolSculpting Elite providers from around the country on behalf of Allergan to help train them! Pretty cool, right?
- How many treatments have your technician done? This one is critical and can easily be disguised under “our office has done 1000 CoolSculpting treatments!” Who cares, if the person who will be doing your treatment is new and was trained last week, do you really want him/her in charge of contouring the shape of your body forever? At Bodify, any one of our staff who treats you was trained by either Melissa or Jessica (the owners) for at least 4 months and has been in the room, helping, treating, and learning during at least 200 treatments which equate to hundreds of hours (and don’t forget they’ve all been certified by CoolSculpting and have the highest level of training available). It’s your body and you should care- if you don’t, you can have a BAD and lasting outcome.
- Did the person doing your consultation show you before and after photos of their own clients vs. stock photos? Google CoolSculpting Elite images and you’ll stumble across a LOT of great results out there. But who did those treatments? Did those people lose weight? Did they do CoolSculpting in conjunction with another modality? How many sessions did they do? Did they do your same treatment plan? All of these factors can impact a result and when an office randomly picks CoolSculpting results off the internet, which happens all the time, and shows them to you, it can be misleading and make you anticipate a result you won’t be able to achieve. At Bodify, every photo we show you during your consult is someone we treated in our office with our staff and our machines. We know which applicators were used, how many treatments they did, and their before and after weight. This allows us 100% confidence in telling you, we can get you the same results!
- Does the office offer a guarantee in case you don’t see a result? When Jessica and Melissa decided to open Bodify- a CoolSculpting-only center in Arizona, they knew that every so often a fat cell is wrapped up in a down comforter and super stubborn. As a result, this very small percentage of people won’t see the anticipated reduction after a CoolSculpting treatment. They knew it wasn’t fair to take your hard-earned money if the fat didn’t reduce. So Bodify’s Beautiful Results Promise™ has your back. If we don’t see the anticipated results and you’ve maintained your weight, we will happily retreat you for free. It’s the right thing to do. Countless providers have asked us, “how can you guarantee your results, aren’t you doing free treatments left and right?!” This is the type of question that an inexperienced and non-confident provider asks. We trust the technology and know when the right treatment plan is built, applicators are placed correctly, the right take-home instructions are given, the right expectations are set and a person who is actually a candidate is treated, CoolSculpt Elite works consistently and predictably. So really you ought to be asking, “why don’t all providers have a guarantee?!”
- Do they overpromise what the technology does? Look, CoolSculpting Elite is an amazing technology but it also has its limits. At Bodify, we have people come in all the time saying another provider told them things like all their fat will go away, CoolSculpting will help with cellulite, only one treatment is needed, it doesn’t hurt at all, there are no risks, everyone responds, and there is no downtime. Well, guess what? That’s not all true. At Bodify, we pride ourselves on being honest, real, and transparent. We are with you on your entire journey- which takes 2-4 months, so why would we jeopardize that relationship by telling you something that isn’t true!?
Curious About CoolSculpting Elite? Let’s Talk!
If you’re interested in learning more about CoolSculpting Elite and local to Bodify in Phoenix, Scottsdale, or elsewhere in the Valley of the Sun, we’d love to have a conversation with you about your goals. Every consultation is complimentary, and there’s never any judgment and never any pressure from our certified CoolSculpting Elite team. Send us a text at 480-531-5955, or click here to fill out our contact form. Let your confidence take shape!