essential nutritionEssential Nutrition and Vitamin Review: Are You Getting What You Need?

Want to feel, look, and be your best? Make every nutrient count! Our essential nutrition and vitamin review gives you the low-down on everything there is to know about the 12 critical vitamins you need in your diet.

Remember, a healthy diet of natural whole foods is the absolute best way to get all the nutrition your body needs to fuel your energy, fight off germs and disease, and keep your mind and body strong and healthy. When your diet falls short of essential nutrition, however, adding supplements may be necessary. For example, here in Arizona, everyone needs an extra boost of Vitamin D!

Essential Water-Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins aren’t stored in your body, so you need to add them to your plate every day.

Vitamin C
Superpower: immune system and skin (including elasticity!)
Plant sources: most fruits and vegetables including citrus, strawberries, guava, kiwi, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, red and green peppers
Risks: lack of Vitamin C can weaken your immune system, making you susceptible to germs

Vitamin B1
Superpower: energy
Animal sources: Meat and fish
Plant sources: rice, yeast, beans, nuts, whole-grain and fortified breads and cereals
Little-known fact: Also known as thiamine, B1 useful for boosting a positive attitude, fighting stress, and preventing memory loss

Vitamin B2
Superpower: skin, eyes, nervous system, energy
Animal sources: dairy, lean meats, eggs
Plant sources: leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, fortified breads and cereals, enriched flour
Little-known fact: also known as riboflavin, B2 helps with healthy hair, skin, and nails, among other benefits like slowing aging and preventing heart disease

Vitamin B3
Superpower: energy, skin
Animal sources: dairy, poultry, fish, lean meats, eggs
Plant sources: nuts, legumes
Little-known fact: also known as niacin
Risks: too much can cause a niacin flush, which isn’t harmful but is irritating and can be scary

Vitamin B5
Superpower: energy, hormone synthesis
Animal sources: fish, shellfish, organ meats, eggs, poultry, dairy
Plant sources: whole grains, legumes, avocados, mushrooms, cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, arugula

Vitamin B6
Superpower: nervous system
Animal sources: fish, meat
Plant sources: beans, legumes, many vegetables
Risks: too much can cause toxicity in your body over time

Vitamin B12
Superpower: nervous system, blood cell production
Animal sources: meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy
Little-known fact: boosts mood, energy, and concentration as well as the immune system
Risks: vegetarians have a higher risk of deficiency

Superpower: red blood cells, breaks down protein
Plant sources: dark leafy green vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, oranges, strawberries, whole grains, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, cauliflower, beets, corn
Little-known fact: supplements are called folic acid

Essential Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Your body absorbs these nutrients through fat and stores them longer, typically in fatty tissue and your liver. Once they’re stored, they can be accessed for future use. Because they’re stored, there is such a thing as too much, so don’t go overboard, especially with supplements. Tip: Your body can absorb fat-soluble nutrients better if they’re eaten with foods that also contain fat.

Vitamin A
Superpower: eyes, teeth, skin, immune system
Animal sources: fish liver oil, animal liver, butter
Plant sources: carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, kale, spinach
Little-known fact: not a single vitamin, A is a collection of compounds called retinoids
Risks: vegetarians have a higher risk of deficiency

Vitamin D
Superpower: bone health, immune system
Animal sources (Vitamin D3): animal fats, fish oil, eggs, fatty fish, fortified dairy
Plant sources (Vitamin D2): mushrooms exposed to UV light
Little-known fact: not a single vitamin, D is a group of compounds known as calciferol
Risks: while you can absorb the sun’s rays to stimulate Vitamin D production in your body, sunscreen and protective clothing that protect against harmful exposure reduces the absorption, so other sources are needed

Vitamin E
Superpower: cancer prevention
Plant sources: seeds, vegetable oils: sunflower or wheat germ oil, nuts: hazelnuts and almonds, tomatoes
Little-known fact: this antioxidant helps the body zap free radicals that can cause cancer
Tip: Vitamins C and B amp up Vitamin E’s function

Vitamin K
Superpower: clears blood clots, reduces the risk of heart disease
Animal sources (K2): butter, liver, egg yolks
Plant sources (K1): kale, spinach, parsley, Brussels sprouts, broccoli
Risks: Vitamin K is not stored in as great an amount as the other fat-soluble vitamins, so you can become deficient more quickly

Essential Nutrition for the Best You

To be the best, healthiest you, these vitamins must be part of your daily essential nutrition. When combined with protein, calcium, iron, fat, and carbohydrates, you’ll have everything you need for optimal health. But sometimes, eating well and getting all of your essential nutrition just isn’t enough. Sometimes, you can do all you’re supposed to do and still have some pesky extra inches.

That’s where Bodify comes in.

We are Arizona’s premier CoolSculpting boutique. All we do is freeze fat for our clients, and then your body does the rest—naturally. Experience the difference with Bodify. Contact us now to book your free consultation.