Coolsculpting Consultation Corner

Best CoolSculpting Consultation in Arizona

The CoolSculpting experts at Bodify ask prospective clients a variety of questions during their complimentary consultations to gain a better understanding of the individual, their body frustrations, and what they are hoping to achieve with a CoolSculpting procedure.The procedure promises to reduce stubborn fat with the most advanced fat freezing technology.

It’s easy to feel like you’re alone in your struggle to shed unwanted fat.

Bodify wants to share a variety of situations that our clients experience in hopes that you will identify with their stories and begin to feel hopeful that a solution for your body struggles exists.

With our clients’ permission, we took bits and pieces of our conversations and captured them below.

AGE: 42

GENDER: Female

KIDS: 3 boys

BODY PART: Stomach

BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here?

INDIVIDUAL: I’ve  been telling myself for the last 4 years that I was going to get rid of the extra fat around my mid-section. I don’t eat as well as I could and don’t have enough time in the day to always work out or get enough sleep. But at the same time, I feel like the inches should being coming off easier than they are.

I’m annoyed and sick of it. I kept those “skinny” jeans in the closet for years and look at them constantly. They used to motivate me, now they just make me feel badly.

It’s not that I don’t want to work hard, I just need to do something that will work so I can regain motivation and stick with something that will help me finally get rid of the mid-section.

BODIFY: Absolutely. 1st off, you’re not alone. None of us do everything we should on a daily basis to have the body and health we want. It’s easy to beat yourself up.

We think it’s ok to work smarter, not just harder. Why not get a little help moving your body in the right direction with CoolSculpting so you can, as you say, “regain motivation and stick with something?” A lot of our clients use CoolSculpting as a jump start to body transformation. When you start to see the inches fall away, you are encouraged and have an easier time staying on track.

AGE: 31

GENDER: Female

KIDS: None

BODY PART: Outer thighs and flanks

BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here.

INDIVIDUAL: I feel like I live in the gym and eat really well 95% of the time. It doesn’t matter what I do, the fat on the sides of my stomach and outer thighs will not go away. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to torture myself and never have a glass of wine or slice of bread again. That’s no way to live. I’ve had trainers and am doing cardio and strength training, but these areas are not budging. I know if others look at me they would say I’m in shape but I hate those parts of my body and I don’t feel good when I look in the mirror. These two areas really bother me.

BODIFY:  We all have a certain percentage of fat that is diet and exercise resistant. CoolSculpting is really perfect for those stubborn areas that won’t go away. For me, I always have an area that stays regardless of how I eat or exercise. And if I lose weight, the fat almost never comes off my problem area. Go figure right? That is one reason we love the CoolSculpting applicators. We can place them exactly where we want and target the area(s) that are driving you nuts and won’t go away no matter what.

AGE: 29

GENDER: Female

KIDS: 2 boys

BODY PART: Stomach and love handles

BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here.

INDIVIDUAL: I’m struggling big time. I gained about 50 pounds with my last pregnancy and just thought the weight would fall off and I’d have my old body back. Not the case and I’m depressed about it. I’d never take back being a mom, but I had no clue it would be so tough to get my old body back. I run around with the kids all the time and eat pretty well because I want them to have a good role model.

Regardless I still have extra fat around my middle that nearly makes me cry. My husband is so sweet about it, but I feel so badly about myself that it is making it tough on us especially when it comes to intimacy.  All I want is to get closer to that pre-baby body.

BODIFY: I don’t have kids, but I can tell you I hear similar frustrations all the time! Being a mom is a full time job and it’s probably tough to have the same level of dedication to eating right and working out once you take on the new role. While CoolSculpting is not a solve all, some people really need to alter their diet and exercise, it can absolutely help you get closer to that pre-baby body. When CoolSculpting is paired with proper diet and exercise, you can see total transformation.

AGE: 62

GENDER: Female

KIDS: 6 kids

BODY PART: Bra fat and inner thighs

BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here.

INDIVIDUAL: Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I don’t still worry about my figure. Hormonal changes threw me for a loop and I’m still working on getting things back to normal. I have fat in places I never knew existed 10 years ago. I didn’t know back fat was a real thing and now I do. Every time I put on my bra, I can feel it squish down.

BODIFY: CoolSculpting can definitely help with bra or back fat. I think regardless of your age it’s key to feel good in your own skin.

CoolSculpting is a great solution for those stubborn areas that won’t go away or just start to pop up as you age. I’ve talked to so many women who say once they started to experience hormonal changes, they lost control over their bodies. Pretty frustrating I’m sure. With CoolSculpting, we can really target those hard to change areas and get significant changes for you.

AGE: 37


KIDS: 1 kid


BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here.

INDIVIDUAL: I never thought I’d find myself not fitting in jeans with a beer gut and shying away from wearing tighter shirts due to man boobs. I ran across a picture of me from 7 years ago and I am embarrassed about how much I’ve let myself go. Just gets harder and harder with work and family to find time for the gym and right eating. It seems harder and harder to get the changes I want. I think my boobs are technically bigger than my wife’s now….don’t tell her I said that.

BODIFY: We are certainly glad you came in. More and more men are looking for body contouring solutions, so you are not alone. I’m sure it’s difficult going from a young adult who could eat anything and do a few push-ups a day and get back in shape to having to work out for hours to see the scale move down. CoolSculpting reduces fat and fat does not discriminate. So regardless if you are male or female, if you have stubborn fat, we can help. Man boobs, or what we lovingly refer to as “moobs” are a big issue for a lot of men. They feel embarrassed and no matter what they do diet and exercise won’t spot remove. CoolSculpting can and does!

AGE: 24


KIDS: No kids

BODY PART: Lower stomach

BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here.

INDIVIDUAL: Honestly I feel a little ridiculous being here. I’m huge into fitness competitions and am very competitive. When you are getting ready for a show your diet and exercise are so on point it’s crazy. I get down to such a low percentage of fat but there are guys who are leaner than me. Basically I don’t win the competitions because I have a little more fat than I should. Spot reduction never works and my cross fit buddy told me about CoolSculpting. I’m not even sure it can help me.

BODIFY: The good news for you is it can. CoolSculpting was designed to spot reduce diet and exercise resistant fat. Trust me, we get a lot of competitive fitness individuals in here, they look incredible and no one would ever think they would need CoolSculpting. But when it comes to competing and winning it can give you the edge.

For a lot of competitors, they also gravitate towards CoolSculpting in the off season. Many of them say it’s hard mentally to go from having a show ready body to a normal everyday body. The swings in weight and body fat percentage can be tough to deal with.

AGE: 46


KIDS: 5 kids

BODY PART: Love handles

BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here.

INDIVIDUAL: I work for Intel, too many hours that’s for sure. I promised myself a year ago I’d really focus on getting back in shape. I’ve done a great job and am proud of what I’ve done. But my wife still doesn’t look at me like she did. I just think if I could get a few more tweaks she would really notice and it could alter things in our marriage. If you’re not married you may not understand, but it’s a big deal for me for her to notice me and be proud. She knows I’m working my butt off at the gym and I just want the results to be more dramatic for both of us. My love handles seem to be most resistant to the work I’ve done.

BODIFY:  I’m not married but I can appreciate where you are coming from. Most people like to feel noticed. I also know what it’s like to go to the gym and have a goal and not be able to reach it. CoolSculpting is idea for individuals who are eating well and working out and just have a few more tweaks as you called them to make to have the body they are looking for. I don’t think we can underestimate the power of feeling good in our own skin so I love to tell people if you’ve got an inch to pinch we can freeze it.

AGE: 26

GENDER: Female

KIDS: No kids

BODY PART: Love handles, bra fat

BODIFY: Tell me a little about you and why you are here.

INDIVIDUAL: I’m getting married in June and I’m starting to feel the pressure. I’ve always been pretty happy with my body but with the wedding and planning I just feel like I want to be at my best. I’m in pretty decent shape and eat all right. I’d love to say I’ll devote a ton more time to the gym in the coming months, but I’m not sure I will, planning seems to be taking over my life. I have a strapless dress and the other day when I went to get it fitted I saw more fat than I wanted hanging over the edge and also felt like if I had more of a waist the dress would look a heck of a lot better.

BODIFY:  We actually just had someone else in here getting ready for a wedding. But rather than being the bride, they were the mom. I had no idea moms of brides felt so much pressure to look great too. But I guess that makes sense. Hailey, the young lady at our front desk, did a CoolSculpting treatment on her love handles before her wedding. She had to get it resized twice before she actually walked down the aisle and said “I do.” It’s good that you are here well before your wedding. CoolSculpting is incredible but results are not immediate.  After the procedure, you’ll need to be patient. It takes 2 to 4 months to see the full reduction of fat in the treated area(s). But I know without question it can help you feel even more stunning on your wedding day.

Find out if CoolSculpting is the perfect solution for you!

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