The Cost of CoolSculpting Elite
First things first – people always want to know, what does CoolSculpting Elite cost? Unfortunately, we can’t give a straightforward answer until you come in for a consultation – just like everybody is unique, every fat-freezing plan is unique. The cost (or rather, the investment you’re making!) will be dependent on whether you have multiple areas you want treated, or if you need multiple treatments for a specific area. While the cost varies depending on the area of the body that is being treated, it’s important to remember that non-surgical CoolSculpting Elite can be much more affordable than alternative procedures, such as liposuction, which is a riskier, more painful invasive form of fat-reduction that requires anesthesia, cutting into the skin, and a longer recovery process.
If you set up a complimentary consult, we can answer your questions and provide you with a treatment plan, complete with pricing, in a no-judgment, no-pressure environment. Every client’s body is unique and not one size fits all, therefore your treatment plan will be tailored to you! And the pace is entirely up to you – many of our clients have multiple areas that frustrate them, but choose to tackle their biggest frustration first. Then, they love the CoolSculpting Elite results so much, that they’re anxious to target other areas quickly. We get it, and we’ll be here for you every step of the way. That’s why we offer financing for CoolSculpting.
Can CoolSculpting Elite be Financed?
YES! Bodify is partnered with Cherry Financing to give you financing options, and we love how it makes fat-freezing more accessible for everyone. Since CoolSculpting Elite is a voluntary cosmetic treatment and not medically necessary, it’s not typically covered by healthcare insurance providers. But, with Cherry Financing, the upfront cost doesn’t have to be a reason you feel it’s not the fat-reduction solution you’ve been looking for. Advantages of using Cherry Financing include flexible payment options, some with 0% APR. T0 apply takes less than 30 seconds and doesn’t affect your credit, and Cherry is committed to working with people who have great credit and those who are building their credit. If you’re curious about whether you’ll qualify or want to learn more – click here to freeze now, and pay later. (0% APR and other promotional rates subject to eligibility)
Payment options through Cherry Technologies, Inc. are issued by the following lending partners:
Invest in Yourself With CoolSculpting Elite at Bodify
At Bodify, we truly believe that CoolSculpting Elite is beyond looking your best – it’s about feeling your best. For many people, male or female, there are simply parts of our body that hold us back from being truly confident. What better gift can you give to yourself than investing in your health and wellness? By taking advantage of noninvasive CoolSculpting Elite to gain the confidence you’ve always wanted, you’ll be practicing one of the very best forms of self-care. Plus, the results are a lasting solution to eliminating fat and toning muscle – as Arizona’s number one CoolSculpting Elite provider, we have the client testimonials and photos to prove it. We know you’ve got goals – let us help you achieve them.